Διερεύνηση των αιτιών απόκλισης της εκτιμώμενης από την παρατηρούμενη ζήτηση υδρογονανθράκων
Investigating the causes responsible for deviation between estimated and observed demand of hydrocarbons

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Υδρογονάνθρακες ; Hydrocarbons ; Ενεργειακή πολιτική ; Energy policy ; Πετρέλαιο -- Βιομηχανία και εμπόριο ; Petroleum industry and tradeAbstract
This thesis presents a thorough literature review on hydrocarbons, particularly crude
oil and natural gas. Furthermore, an extensive historic background on crude oil prices
is given, along with the impact of price fluctuations on supply and demand, while the
factors affecting crude oil price are presented. A comprehensive analysis of renewable energy sources is, also, presented, including
the relevant major policy drivers (White Paper, Kyoto Protocol). Subsequently,
several issues are presented, such as oil stocks, the ratio of stocks to production (R/P),
production and consumption, along with the 2040 forecasting (according to the US
Energy Information Administration), both, at a global and regional level (USA, Saudi
Arabia, China and Russia). The main subject of the thesis is based on peak oil theory and the views of economists
and environmentalists regarding the hydrocarbon depletion. The Club of Rome report
"The Limits to Growth" was a key factor in the 1970s in understanding that resources
are finite and the humanity should reconsider its attitude to excess consumption of
conventional energy sources and focus on renewable energy sources. Finally, the Hubbert model for the prediction of oil and natural gas production was
applied in some countries and USA regions. According to the results, the model obeys
the deductive logic, that is a rational model of inertia and can not be applied in all
cases because it does not consider other factors, such as oil price rising.