Διερεύνηση της επίδρασης της στρατηγικής πληροφοριακών συστημάτων στη διαχείριση επιχειρηματικών διαδικασιών
Investigating the effect of information systems strategy (ISS) on business process management

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The aim of this doctocal research is to investigate the influence of the Information Systems (IS) Strategy, on Business Process Management (BPM), within companies in the Greek territory. The two main concepts of this research (i.e. "IS Strategy” and "BPM") are analyzed in detail via relevant literature review, in order to clarify their broader context and their conceptual structure. In particular, for the conceptual structuring of the "IS Strategy" concept, as a total of 23 factors, the framework COBIT has been selected, among others, as a reference. The research has been conducted via two questionnaires: one for IS strategy, and one for Business Process Orientation (BPO) and Business Process Management (BPM). The research identity is quantitative relational interdisciplinary postal survey through questionnaires, which consist of multiple choice close-ended questions with a five-point Likert scale. The unit of analysis is the enterprise, while the population of the survey consists of all firms in the Greek territory with Information Systems Strategy (ISS). The survey sample selection has been conducted by using random stratified proportional sampling. The final configuration of the two questionnaires, took place after a pre-audit and a pilot study. Then, based on statistical analysis of responses to the questionnaires, by the final survey sample, the validity and reliability of both questionnaires was examined, and subsequently, the existence of evidence supporting the assumptions about the relationships between key research variables has been verified. Finally, the IS Strategy factors that seem to have an impact both on Business-Process Orientation and Management of Business Processes, have been indentified.