Μελέτη των τάσεων και των εποχικών κυμάνσεων των δεικτών θνησιμότητας του πληθυσμού της Ελλάδας από νεοπλάσματα και νόσους του κυκλοφορικού συστήματος
Trends and seasonal variations of mortality of the population of Greece from neoplasms and cardiovascular diseases

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Θνησιμότητα -- Πίνακες ; Δημογραφία -- Ελλάδα ; Θνησιμότητα -- Ελλάδα ; Ιατρική στατιστική ; Στατιστική ανάλυσηAbstract
The present study examines the seasonal patterns and trends of mortality indices by death from neoplasm and diseases of the circulatory system in Greece for the time period 1995 -2009. The data used in this analysis derive from the official vital registration statistics on deaths by cause for the whole country, concurrent to the abridged international catalogue of 1975. These tables are included in the Monthly Statistical Bulletin published by the National Statistical Service of Greece. Deaths are distinguished in two groups (deaths from neoplasms and deaths from diseases of the circulatory system), which are analyzed and compared amongst them for the selected periods of time. Crude death rates and crude death rates by cause of death by 100.000 citizens are calculated, corrected for the different number of days of each month. Further analysis refers to the periods 1995 -1999 and 2005 -2009, for which the classical methodology of decomposition of the time series to the component of seasonality and trend with the usage of the multiplicative model has being applied. Seasonal indices are estimated using the method of rates on the twelve-month moving averages. Results that illustrate seasonal variations and trends in Greek mortality levels are presented mainly in graphical form.