Ηγεσία και επικοινωνία εργαζομένων. Μελέτη περίπτωσης Γ.Ν.Α. "Γ. Γεννηματάς"
Εργασιακές σχέσεις ; Επικοινωνία ; ΗγεσίαAbstract
The concept of leadership has been discussed thoroughly in the world literature through various approaches, but they all lead to the same initial conclusion. There is no correlation between leaders and managers. Leadership is a form of power through which employees try to achieve their goals. Depending on the key features and the capabilities that a leader has, specific leading attitudes have been developed. The effective leadership may lead the Organism to success. The motivation of the employees is very important in an Organism through various means, both material (bonus, bonuses, wages) and psychological (recognition, rewards), in order to achieve the best possible result both for the employees and Organism.
On the other hand, very important for the Organism is the appropriate communication process. Communication is exchange of opinions and expression and characterizes our lives. Furthermore, it is a social process and describes the interdependence and interaction. In an Organism, there must be good communication and cooperation among the employees in order to ensure the proper function of the Organism and of course between the employees and the managers in order to achieve the objectives.
This study performs a thorough analysis of the issues mentioned above.