Πρωτότυπη και παραγωγή κτήση πλοίου
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This thesis, taking under consideration the significant position that the shipping industry holds in the Greek economy, wishes to identify, examine and draw conclusions on the ship acquisition process basically as per Greek legislative
framework . Given the multidimensional and transnational nature of maritime activity, this thesis is also attempting to approach the issue from a fiscal perspective as well as from the perspective of common law which usually governs trading relations of
maritime interest. The first chapter contains definitions of ship in general which will be useful for further interpretation of each case examined. The second chapter refers to the basic legal framework governing the acquisition of ship in Greece and specifically the Codes of Public and Private Law . The third chapter analyzes the original ways for obtaining acquisition of ship,
namely the shipbuilding contract, the adverse possession and the abandonment to the insurer. The fourth chapter refers to the productive mode of ship acquisition. Particularly the following issues are being approached: transfer of ship via a
memorandum of agreement, because of death , by transferring of co-shipowning shares, by public auction , by donation , parental benefit and enjoyment to secure debt. Finally, the cases of the attachment and the assignment of a ship are being
further analysed to the extent possible. The fifth chapter presents all the formal requirements to be met and the
procedures to be followed in order the transfer of ownership on a ship to be completed. The sixth chapter contains a list of case law examples. The seventh chapter approaches the acquisition and management of ships from a tax related point of view. In the eighth chapter there is an analysis of the issue of ship acquisition from the perspective of the common law with an indication in case law.