Ανάλυση της συμπεριφοράς των αγοροπωλησιών και της διάλυσης μεταχειρισμένων πλοίων στο ναυτιλιακό κύκλο
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Πλοία -- Διάλυση ; Ναυπηγική βιομηχανία ; Ναυπηγεία -- Διοίκηση και οργάνωση ; Πλοία -- Περιβαλλοντικές απόψειςAbstract
Τhe main purpose of this thesis is to describe and investigate the operation of two very important markets within the shipping cycle: the sale and purchase market and the demolition market.
The first chapter contains a description of the concept and the characteristics of the shipping cycle and distinguishes the cycles in long shipping cycles, short cycles and seasonal cycles. It is also analyzed the mechanism that regulates the function of the shipping cycle, which is the Model of Supply and Demand for sea transport.
The second chapter describes the sale and purchase market of second-hand vessels, and especially the procedure followed for buying or selling a ship. It is extensively analyzed the Agreement for the sale and purchase of second-hand ships (Memorandum of Agreement) and each of its terms.
The third chapter refers to the demolition market through the description of the countries where most of the demolitions are taking place, the analysis of the factors that drive to a ship demolition and the description of the procedure followed.
In the fourth chapter, the description of the freights’ market after the global financial crisis that influenced shipping industry as well is followed by the investigation of the factors that determine both the prices of second-hand vessels and the prices of vessels for scrapping, within the shipping cycle.