Η τέχνη της πώλησης στη φαρμακευτική αγορά
The art of selling in pharmaceutical market
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Φαρμακευτική βιομηχανία και εμπόριο ; Πωλητές και τεχνική των πωλήσεων ; Ιατρικός επισκέπτηςAbstract
Because of changes that have happened in pharmaceutical market in recent years, the selling of the drug has diversified into many levels and that was the impetus of the research and recording of this work. In order to provide some answers to the questions posed daily both policyholders but also to the health professionals through the prism of sales of pharmaceutical companies. The essay includes elements and characteristics of the pharmaceutical market, in order to inform the reader initially for the overall situation of medicine in Greece compared with abroad and how it relates to the pharmaceutical expenditure on sales and provision of health services. Eventually, purpose of this essay is to clarify and to illuminate the misunderstanding that has been created as regards the pharmaceutical representative-seller and his connection with health professionals and finally who is this person and which is his role. Moreover, to all policy holders are created the query daily in many health services, «on the altar of money and selling multinational and non-pharmaceutical companies can be sidelined the correct functioning of the health system and who are those who perpetuate this situation? »