Τα αυτοδιαχειριζόμενα ταμεία υγείας στην Ελλάδα.
Self funds to health in Greece.
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Ασφάλιση, Κοινωνική -- Ελλάδα ; Οικονομία -- Κοινωνικές απόψεις ; Insurance, Health -- Greece ; Social economy -- Greece ; Mutual funds -- GreeceAbstract
In Greece crisis in the life of the health system had occurred early on. Many had asked how a country in Europe devotes the highest rates of gross national product in the field of health care and impose higher levies managed to bring the health sector in such a difficult position. Articles, scientific papers, books with analyses, recommendations, proposals, and studies have been written at various times on the issue of health. Many are the reasons leading the field of Health in this difficult situation. With the principle of “non-immunity”, the abandonment of strict rules on which was originally organized, the non-establishment of reserves, but instead the wastage of them, the unpredictability for protection by the same administrators, the maladministration of, etc. Until recently, politicians and trade unionists, brilliantly co-existing, sharing the benefits supplied by the control system. Over the years various attempts were made – reorganization tests, such as the creation of the National Health System (N.H.S.) in 1981. The relief of the immediate problems was carried out mainly by increasing worker’s contribution and with “injections” from the national budget. Given the weakness of the economy (public and private sector) to provide health services to all manpower, efforts are made to develop another area of the economy (the sector of Social Economy) which is expected to address the weaknesses of the existing health system. Prolonged crisis of the Welfare State has allowed the rise of a new form of social economy, so-called "mutual economy". Mutual funds are among the bodies of the Social Economy. Among the State and the Market in many developed and developing economies has begun to grow a third area, the so-called Social Economy Sector. In the mid-19th century, the first social economy organizations appeared in economically developed countries in the form of cooperatives, mutual entities, non-profit associations and collective enterprises, which worked with the legal form of partnership or non-profit urban company. In most European countries the particularity as to the Mutual Funds management, led to the expectation of a higher capacity than that the State, regarding the provision of health services of general benefit in an more effective manner. The aim is to highlight the great social innovation of the Social Economy in the modern era and the prospects emerging with the Greek development. The Social Economy and the Self Health Funds (S.H.F.) in Greece have developed rapidly in recent years. At this tough days that Greece faces, with economic crisis getting harder, Self Health Funds (S.H.F.) role and third sector’s activities seems to be more important than ever. Yet, it has not been any quantitative assessment of the efficacy and that because of the multiple tensions and pressures that social economy sector accepts, both internal and external. Deep promiscuous, social economy is marginalized and weakened by both public and private sector. Self-Health Funds (S.H.F.) in whole situated in a continuous quest by the State and by society recognition of their bid. The Main conclusion is that the further development of the third sector in Greece is imperative for the improvement of the country’s socio-economic landscape, as the entities contributing and enhancing the citizen’s health quality. Therefore, the need for developing Social Economy is being distinguished by an appropriate and conducive framework for the organization and operation of Self-Health Funds (S.H.F.) in Greece.