Η συμβολή της ελληνικής ποντοπόρου ναυτιλίας στην οικονομία της Ελλάδος την περίοδο 2000-2010

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Ναυτιλία -- Οικονομία -- Ελλάδα ; Ναυτιλία -- Ελλάδα ; Οικονομικές κρίσεις -- Ελλάδα -- 21ος αιώναςAbstract
The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze, investigate and compare the contribution of the Greek shipping industry in the economy of Greece during the period 2000-2010. The Greek shipping industry as well as other productive sectors of the Greek economy developed the foundations for Greece to generate the growth that existed until 2008. In this thesis it is presented the contribution of shipping industry to the GDP of Greece during the period 2000-20010 and its importance to the wider economy. It is also analyzed how the entrance of Greece in the E.M.U. affected the Greek shipping and there is a comparison of the shipping industry with other productive sectors in relation with their contribution in the Greek GDP for the periods 2000-2007 and 2008-2010 separately . Finally we try to investigate on whether the shipping industry can be a growth factor in order Greece to come out from the crisis.