Σχεδιασμός ανάκαμψης από κατασρτοφές (disaster recovery planning)
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Disasters -- Risk assessment ; Emergency management ; Πληροφοριακά συστήματα ; Καταστροφές, ΦυσικέςAbstract
Information Systems are already a key pillar of everyday human activity. This fact has made them valuable and attractive target for any kind of attack. To meet these threats many protective measures have been created, that are successfully fulfilling their purpose, when applied properly. Nevertheless, there is always a percentage of threats that finally manage to hit Information Systems, with devastating consequences. In these cases the only solution is the implementation of rapid recovery measures in the form of an organized Disaster Recovery Plan. This paper is an attempt to present, in an integrated way, the thematic area of Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) of Information Systems in an organization. It describes and analyzes the manner to apply such a planning on administrative, organizational and technological level through the study of appropriate standards and best practices. Alongside, emphasis is given on particular issues, mainly financial and legal, where, as of today, there seems to be no satisfactory answers. Indicative, it is investigated whether there are legal/regulatory constraints that enforce a DRP and specified how the budget on DRP is estimated, in order to bring the best return on investment. It compares the latest trends and recovery measures and analyzes the way they should be selected. Finally, there is an effort, through a case study, to create a framework that allows the application of DRP in a fast and efficient way on small and medium size organizations.