Ελλείψεις των πλοίων μέσα από τις επιθεωρήσεις των κρατικών λιμενικών αρχών του Paris MoU και Tokyo MoU
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This study aims to investigate the detentions and deficiencies found after inspections of the Paris and Tokyo MoU Port State Control in 2007 and 2008. The study says the main comments and issues identified in inspections through monthly data which can be accessed through the official website of the port authorities. The first chapters, which are of theoretical character, summarize the legal framework of international conventions, the reasons of development and existence of regional agreements, data on ship inspections by inspectors of the Authorities and general information about the deficiencies and procedures for the detention of ships. The sixth chapter is a reference to the methodology used and the results of research. The investigation was mainly based on as much as possible collection of inspection reports available from port authorities. The last chapter elaborates on the findings of the investigation, where there is a decline of detentions for the Paris MoU, while the inspection controls are increased. Despite the negative impact that could have the global economic crisis in shipping, the good news of the number of deductions means that most vessels comply with regulations and that the flags are slowly, but steadily, losing ground to the preferences of ship owners.