Επίλυση διαφορών στη ναυτιλία και ερμηνεία ναυλοσυμφώνων : ο θεσμός της διαιτησίας και η έννοια των όρων "παράδοση φορτίου" - "ευθύνη για το φορτίο" με βάση δικαστικές αποφάσεις του Λονδίνου
Master Thesis
Βασιλειάδου, Θεοδώρα
2011-07-15View/ Open
Ναυλοσύμφωνα ; Ναυτικό δίκαιο -- Αγγλία ; Ναυτιλία -- Δίκαιο και νομοθεσία ; Ναυτιλία -- ΙστορίαAbstract
This dissertation is about the adjustment of differences that come up in the exercise of tramp shipping and its relation to the interpretation of charter parties on the basis of judicial judgments and awards at times passed. To begin with, it presents the institution of arbitration in general, from its birth to nowadays, whilst referring to the meaning and the legal frame of the institution in England, where it mainly grew. To continue, it focuses on international and Greek maritime arbitration· there is a special and wider reference to Piraeus, whether it is a center of maritime arbitration today as well as to the Greek arbitration forms and proceedings in effect. The London maritime arbitration occupies a separate chapter, since London is the greater maritime arbitration center worldwide, for the time being. This chapter briefly summarizes the maritime arbitration proceedings, as defined and described in the English law, but also those of the “London Maritime Arbitrators Association” as well. Finally, the charter party terms “delivery of cargo” and “cargo liability” are thoroughly analyzed and explained as effective in theory and in practice, according to several relative London judgments.