Συμπράξεις δημοσίου ιδιωτικού τομέα (ΡΡΡ) : η περίπτωση των τερματικών σταθμών κρουαζιέρας

Master Thesis
Μανικιώτου, Βασιλική
2010-05-28View/ Open
Mixed economy ; Partnership ; Public-private sector cooperation ; Cruise ships -- ManagementAbstract
Private Public Partnerships are types of collaboration between public organizations and corporate businesses in the fields of infrastructure development and public services. The major benefits of PPP are among others the faster, more effective and costless infrastructure development as well as enhanced provision of services to the public. The private sector is also benefited as it gets access to a new and larger portion of market. There many different types of contracts that have already been applied to transports the differences of which lay on the allocation of projects and risks between the two parties and the ownership the assets. As far as the port industry is concerned PPP are a mean of development towards the optimization of quality of services provided. It can also be considered as a source of funding for the necessary investments to the port infrastructure. At a smaller scale cruise constitutes one of the most dynamic sector of port industry while its market is characterized as oligopoly. It is directly connected with the touristic development of the country with major economic benefits to local and national level. In our effort to develop a guideline for a successful application of PPP on cruises, we examined the industrial market the way the public and private organisation interfere with each other as well as the regulatory system that create the framework of such contract between the two parties.