Ψηφιακές αποδείξεις και πειστήρια με έμφαση στην ανίχνευση αποδείξεων σε έξυπνα κινητά τηλέφωνα (smartphone forensics)

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Ψηφιακή εγκληματολογία ; Ψηφιακό έγκλημα ; Ψηφιακά πειστήρια ; Έξυπνα κινητά τηλέφωνα ; Εγκληματολογική έρευναAbstract
In recent years, the evolution of technology has affected the cyber crime and poses new challenges in the field of digital forensics. The proliferation of digital devices today implies, among other things, their involvement in cybercrime as well as in traditional crime. Smartphones are a representative example of digital devices. Globally, the extensive use of smartphone devices has led to an increase in storage and transmission of enormous volumes of data that could be potentially used as digital evidence in a forensic investigation. This thesis starts with a first approach to the discipline of digital forensics and the digital data in general that could be found during investigations in any kind of digital device. More specifically, the issues analysed are the particular characteristics of digital evidence in contrast to traditional evidence, the definition of digital data under Greek criminal law, the various categories of digital evidence and the principles that must govern their handling in order for them to be admissible in a potential trial. Then follows a first analysis of the procedure applied to process the digital evidence and at the same time the procedure of the seizure of digital data under Greek criminal procedural law is also analysed in detail. The second part of this paper focuses on the main digital device, the smartphone. Firstly, the fundamental features of smartphones that make them powerful tools for various aspects of people's daily lives are discussed, while an analysis of the structure of the two main operating systems currently found in smart phones, Android and iOS, is attempted. The following chapters detail the various challenges (technical, legal, etc.) in the field of digital forensics of smartphones that researchers encounter and provide a classification of the digital data that can be found on a smartphone during investigations on it. In the following, the procedure of forensic investigation on smartphones is analysed, which is generally similar to the process of other fields of digital forensics. This process, however, has certain peculiarities related to the specific nature of smartphones that should be taken into account. In the same chapter some of the forensic tools available on the market that are used to extract evidence from mobile devices are presented. Finally, the legal issues that arise during investigations on smartphones are highlighted. In particular, concerns about the protection of the confidentiality of communications and the personal data of the person under investigation are presented.