Phishing framework with MFA bypassing
Παράκαμψη MFA μέσω phishing

Bachelor Dissertation
Mangoyan, Vahram
Μαγκογιάν, Βαχράμ
Patsakis, ConstantinosΠατσάκης, Κωνσταντίνος
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
MFA bypassing ; Evilginx ; Gophish ; EvilGophish ; Phishing Framework ; Reverse Proxy ; Cost of an actual phishing engagementΠερίληψη
In the reported thesis is described with detail all the process of MITM (Man-in-the-middle) attack and how it operates, furthermore this project is also focused on all the required technical steps for the remote deployment of EvilGophish framework. Also both a thorough presentation of an MFA bypassing attack (MITM attack with the respective framework) and the total cost of all the deployment and the attack engagement are also included in the study.