Ο ρόλος της συναισθηματικής νοημοσύνης στην ηγεσία στον τομέα της υγείας
The role of emotional intelligence in healthcare leadership

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Συναισθηματική νοημοσύνη ; Νοσηλευτής ; Προϊστάμενος ; ΗγεσίαAbstract
Emotional intelligence is directly related to both an organization's performance and leadership effectiveness. For the health professions in particular, the need for leadership characterized by a high degree of emotional intelligence is widely accepted. After all, a very large part of the nurses' work is "emotional work" and in this light emotional intelligence plays an important role.
Purpose: to assess nurses' perceptions of their supervisors' leadership style and emotional intelligence, and to interpret the factors associated with shaping nurses' perceptions of leadership. Finally, the aim is to investigate the relationship between the leadership style of the head nurses and their emotional intelligence.
Material - Method: The sample consisted of 150 nurses of a large General Hospital of Western Attica. The response rate was 92.67% (n=139). The duration of the survey was from September 15, 2024 to October 5, 2024. The electronic questionnaire was used as a data collection tool, consisting of three parts: The first part included 7 questions related to demographic and work characteristics of the sample. The second part included the 36-item 5-point Likert scale of leadership MLQ (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire) by Avolio, Bass & Jung (1999). The third part included the 7-point scale of 30 items of emotional intelligence, specifically the Greek version of the TEIQue-SF scale (Petrides, Pérez-González, & Furnham, 2007).
In the presentation of results, categorical variables are depicted as absolute (n) and relative (%) frequencies, while quantitative variables are depicted as mean (standard deviation). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and normality diagrams were used to check the normal distribution of the quantitative variables. The reliability of the scales and their internal consistency was assessed with the Cronbach's α coefficient. In order to investigate whether there is a relationship between a categorical and a quantitative variable, parametric and non-parametric tests were used, depending on whether or not the quantitative variable followed a normal distribution. Between two quantitative variables, the existence of a relationship was investigated with Spearman's correlation coefficient. The two-sided level of statistical significance was set at 5%
Results: 72.66% of the sample were women, while the most numerous age group was 51-60 years old (36.69%). Most of the participants were TEI graduates with a rate of 45.32% and 32.37% of the participants had more than 25 years of experience. The largest percentage of the sample (69.06%) did not hold any position of responsibility while the largest percentage of participants (27.34%) worked in the Surgical Department. Out of all TEI and HEI graduates, 70 participants held a master's degree and 7 participants held a doctoral degree. Transformational Leadership (MT:2.2565 TA:0.92) and Transactional Leadership (MT:2.3282 TA:0.78443) were found to be adopted more than Passive Avoidant Leadership (MT:1.683 TA:0.631) ), by the head nurses, according to the perceptions of the working nurses. They themselves recognized that the head nurses have a high level of well-being (MT=4.83, TA=1.05) and sociability (MT=4.98, TA=1.14), while they have a satisfactory level of self-control (MT=4.23, TA=1.10) and emotionality (MT=4.28, TA=1.19). Overall, working nurses rated the level of emotional intelligence of their leaders as high (MT=4.79, TA=1.39).
Secondary Education and IEK graduates rated higher the "Sociability", "Self-control" and "Total Emotional Intelligence" of their superiors than TEI and HEI graduates (p value<0.05). Correlation analysis revealed a moderate to strong positive relationship of "Transformational" and "Transactional" leadership with all dimensions of emotional intelligence and a moderate negative relationship of "Passive-avoidant" leadership with all dimensions of emotional intelligence (p value< 0.05).