Κυβερνοπόλεμος : νομικά και τεχνικά ζητήματα
Cyberwar : legal and technical matters

Master Thesis
Χορταριάς, Βασίλειος - Κωνσταντίνος
Αθανασίου, Θεοχαρούλα
Μήτρου, ΛίλιανView/ Open
Κυβερνοπόλεμος ; Νομικά ζητήματα ; Τεχνικά ζητήματα ; jus ad bellum ; jus in bello ; Δίκαιο των ενόπλων συγκρούσεων ; Διεθνές δίκαιοAbstract
The leaps and bounds of technology in recent decades have led to the birth of a new type of warfare, cyber warfare. At the same time, legal theorists are trying to "map" this new form of war.
The main characteristics of cyber warfare are the lack of limits in terms of the size of operations, the speed of their conduct, the overcoming of the concept of jurisdictions due to the global nature of the Internet, its high degree of variability, the difficulty of attributing attacks, the lack of direct losses , in contrast to "traditional" war, the low economic cost of conducting it and the disproportionate cost of protecting the defender and the inability to predict attacks. The main forms of conducting cyber warfare are cyber-espionage, the spread of propaganda, distributed denial of service attacks, attacks on utilities and infrastructure, and the distribution of hacked technology.
Cyber warfare, as a form of warfare, is subject to the Law of Armed Conflict, therefore cyber operations should be conducted based on its basic principles, which ensure their (as far as possible) smooth and bloodless conduct. The main debate surrounding cyber warfare revolves around its legitimacy as a means of attack and counter-attack. The targets of cyber operations should be selected with the Law of Armed Conflict in mind, taking care to ensure the integrity of the political infrastructure. To deal with cyber operations, a multitude of countermeasures have been developed, while at the EU level the European Security Strategy has been established.