Μοντέλα ηγεσίας και χαρακτηριστικά του σύγχρονου management στον τομέα της υγείας
Leadership models and characteristics of modern management in the health field

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Διοίκηση υγείας ; Χαρακτηριστικά management ; Τύποι ηγεσίαςAbstract
Health and the organization of the health services system are characterized as one of the most important issues concerning modern societies and organized states. A health system is organized at various levels, with the initial scale being the primary level of care.
In the direction of effective management in public and private sector organizations, the influence of leadership and its connection with management practices is considered quite critical in the health sector. Modern management in the health sector requires specialized executives with innovative ideas and the ability to find and exploit talent so that their organizations can pioneer and gain a strong reputation.
The influence of leadership in health organizations significantly affects the performance of employees, an important chapter for their smooth operation and organization. The effectiveness of the administration is judged based on the correct management of employees, the resolution of potential problems, as well as the correct decision-making, which arise in the context of the democratic governance of health organizations.