Ρητορική μίσους στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης
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Ρητορική μίσους ; Μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης ; Μισαλλόδοξος λόγος ; Hate speechAbstract
The present paper examines the overall legal framework that regulates hate speech on social
media, its clash with freedom of expression, the methods by which it is addressed on social media
and the liability of companies providing social media services for illegal hate speech disseminated
through their platforms. The first chapter of the thesis presents the concept of freedom of
expression, its importance within the democratic constitution, the legislative framework that
protects it and the content of the right to freedom of expression. Furthermore, special reference is
made to the role that the internet and social media play in the exercise of freedom of expression
and the horizontal effect of the right. In the second chapter, we attempt to define the concept of
hate speech and we underline the necessity and importance of the existence of a single and
commonly accepted definition. Finally, the issue of the conflict between freedom of expression
and the prohibition of hate speech is analysed. The third chapter focuses on the role that social
media play in the dissemination of hate speech and also analyses the case of the “Rohingya
genocide”. The fourth chapter presents in detail the international, european and national legal
framework that regulates hate speech. In chapter five, we describe how hate speech in social
media is countered. Finally, in chapter six, this paper examines the liability systems of hosting
service providers for illegal content posted on their platforms, especially for illegal hate speech