Social media και διαχείριση ανθρώπινου δυναμικού στη ναυτιλία
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Ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες ; e-HRM ; Μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης ; Επιμόρφωση προσωπικούAbstract
The contemporary challenges and opportunities in human resource management
in shipping were the subject of discussion of this thesis. The increasingly rapid
evolution of ICT technologies within organizations has met, in recent years, the new
needs expressed by the Human Resources Department in terms of communication,
flexibility and speed of response to changing market conditions. The HR Function is
asked to position itself in the company as a Strategic Business Partner, shifting its
focus and efforts from more functional and mundane tasks to higher value-added and
strategic impact projects and activities. The e-HRM phenomenon is the natural result
of the meeting between the birth of these new technological tools and the evolution of
the Human Resources Management activity. Shipping companies until a few years
ago were wary of social media, while in recent years there has been a greater
extroversion in this area. First, the importance of human resource management in the
Shipping industry is explained, and then the contribution of recent technologies,
specifically Social Media.