Αποθήκευση ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας : νομοθετικό πλαίσιο και πολιτικές σε καιρούς κλιματικής αλλαγής. Η ανατομία της ρύθμισης σε ενωσιακό και εθνικό επίπεδο
Electricity storage : legislative framework and policies in times of climate change. The anatomy of regulation at union and national level

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Αποθήκευση ενέργειας ; Κλιματική αλλαγή ; Ενεργειακή κρίση ; Ενεργειακές αγορές ; Διαγωνισμοί αποθήκευσης ; Ενεργειακό τρίλημμα ; Ενεργειακή αλληλεγγύη ; Ν. 4.001/2011 ; Οδηγία ΕΕ 2019/944 ; Ενεργειακή ΈνωσηAbstract
High RES penetration in Greece and the EU does not come without problems, especially in the midst of the energy
crisis. Policies and regulation for climate change mitigation concern the electricity sector as well. Modern energy
storage is a multifaceted, disruptive technological innovation. The EU and the Greek legislator chose by design to
regulate it according to its purpose, not as a functionality. Storage can be placed at any stage of the electricity value
chain. Successful policies and key legislative treatment of storage are able to overcome regulatory barriers, that
eliminate its added value. Regulatory inertia, legal multiplicity, regulatory fragmentation, outdated regulations,
double charges, bureaucracy are just a few obstacles that need to be handled, while regulating energy storage or
implementing the law for it.
The legislative regulations of storage at the EU and Greek legal order level are analyzed. Τhe parameters that led to
the adoption of the specific regulations are examined in detail, taking into account the energy trilemma and the
principle of energy solidarity. The need to compensate storage for all the services it offers and the need to emphasize
on its social dimension, which currently has not been sufficiently noticed, is also highlighted in this dissertation.