Αλλοδαπές ναυτιλιακές εταιρίες εγκατεστημένες στην Ελλάδα με βάση το Α.Ν.89/67
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As a result of the abolition of territorial restrictions, the mobility of companies has been and continues to be in order to find a legal framework that will offer them speed, flexibility and tax relief. The various states quickly realized the multiple benefits of setting up or establishing companies on their territory and sought to create the conditions on their territory that combined the best possible technical infrastructure requirements, along with the appropriate legal status, in order to adapt to competition rules and attract stakeholders.
In the present study, the presentation of the special installation regime of foreign shipping companies in Greece based on the mandatory law 89/67, as amended and in force until today, is attempted. In particular, the theories that have been put forward regarding the law applicable to the activity of legal persons will be developed first, from which it will be concluded that the registered office of a legal entity is the most stable and reliable link between the legal entity and of the respective legal order.
Subsequently, the division of Greek private international law of legal entities will be developed with the application of the law of the registered office to be the rule for all general types of legal entities, and the law of the registered office especially with regard to foreign shipping companies according to with law 791/78, which in fact classifies Greek law in part in mixed systems.
Of particular interest is the scope of application of the law on the registered office of shipping companies, an issue which will also be analyzed.