Η ανάλυση της τουριστικής κίνησης στο νησί της Ρόδου την περίοδο 2010 - 2019 και οι προβλέψεις των αφίξεων για την επόμενη χρονιά μέσω του προγράμματος Statgraphics
Analysis of the tourist traffic on the island of Rhodes for the period 2010 - 2019 and the forecast of arrivals for the next year through the Statgraphics program

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Τουρισμός ; Αφίξεις ; Ρόδος ; Ιστορία ; Αξιοθέατα ; Επισκέπτες ; Ξενοδοχεία ; Ξενοδοχειακός κλάδος τιμές ; Χρονοσειρές ; ΠροβλέψειςAbstract
This dissertation aims to present the Rhodes Island of Greece as a tourist destination and also the tourism analysis of the island in the period 2010 -2019, gathering many informations and important elements for the tourism activities in the island. The dissertation starts with the basic concept of tourism in Greece and the importance for the country, the society and the local economy of Rhodes Island and continues with its history, its attractions and with a lot of important elements for the tourism flow of the island. There are a lot of tables, elements and statistics for the tourism in the island like the arrivals every year, and with the use of these elements in cooperation with the Statgraphics tool, the arrivals for the next year 2020, will be predicted like a forecast. At the end of this thesis, there are a lot of conclusions from the research and some suggestions for improving Rhodes Island like a touristic product and tourism destination.