CTFLib / A collection of writeups of Capture-The-Flag challenges for beginners

Master Thesis
Leka, Christian
Xenakis, ChristosΞενάκης, Χρήστος
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
In the current cybersecurity industry, there is a clear lack of cybersecurity professionals. Not only are there not enough cybersecurity professionals in the industry but many professionals lack the technical skills necessary to perform their day-to-day operations. Capture-The-Flag challenges aim to fill that gap by helping cybersecurity professionals train, develop and test their skills as well as provide people looking to get into cybersecurity the necessary skills and experience to do so. CTFs can be used to train individuals in various fields of cybersecurity such as web exploitation, binary exploitation, reverse engineering, forensics and many other fields. They can cover a variety of topics such as buffer overflows, disk analysis, blockchain, steganography and many more. This report is a collection of writeups aimed at aiding beginners get into CTFs and cybersecurity as well as assist professionals in developing their existing skillset.