Εξερχόμενες άμεσες ξένες επενδύσεις : η περίπτωση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης
Outward foreign direct investments : the case of European Union

Doctoral Thesis
Λέτσου, Ελένη
Letsou, Eleni
2023View/ Open
Εξερχόμενες ΑΞΕ ; Ευρωπαϊκή ΈνωσηAbstract
The increase in trade and capital flows, the globalization of the market, and the strengthening of national industries at the international level are basic characteristics of the modern international economy.
The development of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the operations of the Multinational Enterprises (ME) also characterize the modern economies. Between FDI and ME there is a significant interaction. ME is defined as an enterprise that creates added value in more than one country.
The purpose of this thesis is the study of the outward Foreign Direct Investment from the EU countries. More specifically, the factors affecting the outward FDI are examined. The study of the factors is done individually in countries and as a whole. We expect the results of the relationships between outward FDI and the variables that affect them to give us useful conclusions regarding the FDI economic policy in EU countries.
The first chapter describes the bibliographic review and the structure of the doctoral thesis.
The second chapter presents the theoretical approach of FDI, giving the main definitions and comprehensively describing the theoretical framework that governs them.
The third chapter presents the statistics of outward FDI as a percentage of GDP for each of the EU countries studied in this thesis.
In the fourth chapter, econometric models of outward FDI behavior are estimated and the statistical significance of economic variables affecting outward FDI is examined.
In the fifth chapter, the conclusions derived from the thesis are presented, which are mainly focused on economic policy issues. The results obtained according to the analysis of time series and panel data patterns are recorded and some policy measures to be implemented for outward FDI at the EU level are proposed.