Οι διαφορετικοί τύποι ηγεσίας στο αθλητικό μάνατζμεντ και ο ρόλος της διαφορετικότητας των φύλων: η μελέτη περίπτωσης της Ελλάδας

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Αθλητικό μάνατζμεντ ; Ηγεσία ; Στυλ ηγεσίας ; Γυναικεία ηγεσία ; Έμφυλες διακρίσεις ; Ισότητα των φύλωνAbstract
The types of leadership, operating in sports administration, have an important role in gaining sustainability and achieving the goals of each organization or company. With the appropriate leadership model and proper management of human resources, prosperity and smooth functioning can be achieved. To achieve the above results, gender equality in the workplace of sports is considered important, as well as the examination of prejudices/stereotypes and racist perceptions against women.
In this thesis, we investigate the different types of leadership in sports management and the role of gender diversities in Greece. The first part is a scientific approach to the subject based on the existing bibliographic sources. In the second part, research is carried out about the different types of leadership in sports management and gender diversity, specifically in Greece. The purpose of the following thesis is to try to find the connection between the theoretical background of the subject and the research carried out. Through the research carried out, valuable conclusions are drawn regarding leadership models, gender equality and the discrimination faced by women in the sports workplace in our country. Finally, the proposals are presented to fight the inequalities against the female gender and the existing racism and to promote equality between the two genders.