Εκτίμηση κύκλου ζωής για ένα ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα αυτοματισμού αστικής κηπουρικής (CityVeg)
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Αστικοποίηση ; Γεωργία ; Σπατάλη τροφίμων ; Αστική γεωργία ; Γεωργία ακριβείας ; CityVeg ; Εκτίμηση κύκλου ζωήςAbstract
Urbanization, practices applied in agriculture, food loss and waste negatively affect the environment and degrade the quality of life in modern cities. The aim of this work was to assess the potential environmental impacts of CityVeg, an integrated urban gardening automation system, which by utilizing modern technologies and adopting the principles of precision agriculture promotes urban agriculture and aspires to contribute to sustainable development. For this purpose, the methodology of the Life Cycle Assessment was applied for CityVeg, the supply of lettuce cultivated using CityVeg and its comparison to that of the supply of lettuce cultivated both outdoors and in a heated greenhouse. The results of the relevant studies highlighted as the main cause of the possible environmental impacts of CityVeg’s life cycle the production of wrought aluminum alloy, which is used for the manufacturing of key components, while the supply of lettuce cultivated using CityVeg has lower potential environmental impacts against both the supply of lettuce cultivated outdoors and that cultivated in a heated greenhouse. However, as lettuce cultivation using CityVeg is at an experimental stage, it is advisable to systematically collect relevant data at a later, more mature stage. At the same time, the reliability of the results of the comparative study can be improved in case of access to outdoor and greenhouse cultivation data from Greece.