European Green Deal και θέσεις εργασίας στην ενέργεια - οι προοπτικές της Ελλάδας στη θέρμανση / ψύξη
European Green Deal and new jobs in energy - the prospects of Greece in heating / cooling
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European Green Deal ; Θέσεις εργασίας ; Ενέργεια ; Θέρμανση ; ΨύξηAbstract
The transition towards a "green economy” has resulted in radical socio-economic changes worldwide. Particularly in Europe, due to the European Green Deal setting high goals, significant changes are taking place in terms of employment in various sectors. The largest are found in the energy sectors (production, efficiency, storage).
Part A of this thesis aspires to make a clear illustration of the jobs that arise in Europe, from production (renewable), efficiency and storage of energy. Moreover, regarding the production of renewable energy, by appropriately processing the data of each country (EU27 + UK), per renewable technology, the aim is to locate which technologies offer the most working positions in Europe and the focus of each country’s investment, which could be a clear sign of its comparative advantage. It is also important to assess the socio-economic impact of the green transition on the fossil fuels sector, the overall sign of the transition in terms of jobs and how any negative effects on employment can be minimized.
Part B is concerned with the heating/cooling sector, which will be described and analyzed. More specifically, solar thermal systems (mainly solar water heaters), district heating (mainly renewable) and heat pumps will be the main subjects of this analysis. The aim is to assess the prospects of heating / cooling in Greece as well as the expected benefits of higher investment in the sector, on the achievement of climate objectives, increasing energy independence, employment, economic benefits, the development of domestic industry and the increase of export activities. With this goal in mind, appropriate actions and policies will be proposed for each subsector, on the path of optimizing socio-economic benefits.
The above objectives of the thesis will be achieved through a vast literature and data review, as well as the creation of maps, via ArcGIS Pro, to visualize the geographical distribution of a part of the results.