Εκπαιδευτική πρόταση για την ένταξη του προγράμματος Out of Eden Learn στη διδασκαλία των αγγλικών στο γυμνάσιο
Educational proposal for the integration of the out of Eden Learn program in the English as a second language curriculum in secondary school
Master Thesis
Tsiachti, Athena Anastasia
Τσιαχτή, Αθηνά Αναστασία
Retalis, SymeonΡετάλης, Συμεών
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Out of Eden Learn ; A Wall of Wonders ; Thinking routines ; Dialogue tools ; Στρατηγικές ενίσχυσης σκέψης ; Εργαλεία διαλόγου ; Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων ΙΕΠ ; Πρόγραμμα σπουδών γυμνασίουAbstract
The purpose of this dissertation research is to examine the ESL educators’ opinions on
the effects of the "Out of Eden Learn" project principles on ESL students' language
acquisition, collaboration, and communication. The OOEL principles that were
examined included a) slowing down b) sharing stories, and c) making connections with
bigger human stories. The teaching strategies that were used included the thinking
routines: See-Think-Wonder, See-Wonder-Connect, Connect-Extend-Challenge, and
Think-Pair-Share. The participants who took part in this research were solely Greek
educators of the English as a second language with long teaching experience in public
or private schools and long experience in teaching English through workshops. The
research was conducted with a questionnaire, and the results were statistically analyzed.
The findings of the research proved the initial hypotheses, meaning that the suggested
educational program that was created for the research’s needs – A Wall of Wonders –
had adapted the OOEL principles successfully. This research shows actively that the
OOEL principles can be used to promote the four basic competences in English
acquisition – speaking, listening, writing, reading skills – as well as collaboration and
communication among ESL students.