Η συμβολή της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων στην ανάπτυξη των δεξιοτήτων τους και ο ρόλος των προσωπικών μεταβλητών στην επαγγελματική τους ανέλιξη
The impact of adult learning in skills development, and the role of the personal variables in their professional improvement

Master Thesis
Κοσμά, Βασιλική - Μαρία
2022-07-23View/ Open
Δια βίου μάθηση ; Δια βίου εκπαίδευση ; Εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων ; Δεξιότητες ; Επαγγελματική εξέλιξηAbstract
The main purpose of this thesis is to emphasize into the adult education and analyze the impact of adult education in skills development. Furthermore, a matter of further examination of this thesis is to examine the role of the personal variables in professional and working improvement.
Therefore, in order to complete this thesis, we need to emphasize to the importance of the education in adults, so that we can refer to lifelong learning and education as well, in order to examine the role of the adult education to personal skills development. Moreover, to examine how the personal skills development have an impact to working progress and professional improvement. The research target is to study on how the adults through their participation to educational programs, develop an amount of skills and in which way these skills improve their professional development or not. Referring to professional skills we would distinguish them into technical and personal skills.
In order to complete this study with the appropriate reliability it was decided to implement the protogenic research which was based on an questionnaire that was available on Google Forms and was distributed in a sample of 120 adults each one of them participated in at least one educational program either as an employee either as unemployed. The sample of these 120 adults, was chosen by the method of snowball sampling. This method is based on selecting a small sample of adults which adults on the next level will indicate more adults in order to participate in the research and answer the questionnaire. The reason on which this method was selected is the difficulty in finding personal data of those adults that participated in at least one educational program, due to the law for personal data collection.
The results of the research indicated that the primary criteria for participation in the adult education program are professional development, while the secondary ones are personal development. Most of the participants stated that they were very satisfied with their participation in the program, but also that they acquired knowledge, or otherwise professional skills. Finally, another finding of the research is that gender and marital status affect only some of the respondents' views regarding their motivation to participate in the program and the acquisition of certain personal skills. Also, the place of residence affects the satisfaction from participating in the program, the acquisition of knowledge from participating in the program, as well as the acquisition of certain technical knowledge. Overall, therefore, there is a significant contribution of adult education to the acquisition of professional skills and in general to the professional development of research participants. However, further research into a larger sample of respondents, as well as other stakeholders, is needed. It is also proposed to conduct research that will examine more holistically the characteristics of the educational programs in which the respondents participated.