Ανάπτυξη πλατφόρμας αξιολόγησης του επιπέδου ωριμότητας σε θέματα κυβερνοασφάλειας και κυβερνοάμυνας ενός οργανισμού
Development of an evaluation platform for the cybersecurity and cyber-defence maturity level of an organization

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Ωριμότητα ; Κυβερνοασφάλεια ; ΚυβερνοάμυναAbstract
The aim of this master dissertation is to create a tool for assessing cyber security maturity of an entity.
The primary objective of the tool is to enable a simple user who is familiar with the concepts of cybersecurity as well as the ways of functioning of the entity to be assessed, to be able to assess the level of cybersecurity maturity that the entity is at through questions.
The secondary objective of the tool is for the user to be able to choose the level of maturity that the entity evaluated wishes to acquire and through the results to be able to improve the policies and controls applied to achieve it.
At the same time, the tool by evaluating the user's deceptions will give a much clearer picture of the organization's capabilities in each area of the entity as well as at every stage of a malicious action that could harm the entity. Finally, it also provides the opportunity to review past assessments in order to make visible the course of improving the organization's cybersecurity maturity.