Μελέτη σεναρίων ενεργειακής μετάβασης στον οικιακό τομέα των Περιφερειών Δυτικής Μακεδονίας και Ηπείρου
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Τελική κατανάλωση ενέργειας ; Ζήτηση οικιακού τομέα ; Θερμικές ανάγκες ; Εξηλεκτρισμός ; Ενεργειακή μετάβαση ; Σενάρια πολιτικήςAbstract
Tackling climate change has been a priority for European policy in recent years, but it presents significant challenges. Achieving the ambitious targets set at European and National level requires the implementation of complex and sophisticated policies, the consequences of which are difficult to be determined in advance. To this end, it is common practice to use computer models and simulate policy scenarios. This is attempted also by this study, the investigation of energy transition scenarios for the residential sector of two Regions of Greece, Epirus and Western Macedonia.
Using a computer model, annual consumption results per climate zone are extracted and then used to simulate two different scenarios in the period 2021-2040. The first scenario represents a high intensity and mid-term penetration of natural gas in the residential sector mix. The second scenario is a scenario of electrification and describes only short-term adoption of natural gas, where the installation of new natural gas systems ceases and gives way to heat pumps. The two scenarios are compared in terms of the reduction in energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions they achieve and their implementation costs, which include the costs of fuel, installation of new heating systems, renovations and CO2 tax. The findings indicate that the second scenario leads to reduced energy consumption and emissions with similar implementation costs and better economic efficiency than the first one.