Η ανάπτυξη κουλτούρας lean management (λιτής διοίκησης). Η περίπτωση της Περιφέρειας Αττικής
Τhe development of a culture of lean management. The case of the Region of Attica

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Λιτή διοίκηση ; Κουλτούρα ; Αξία ; Δημόσιος τομέας ; Συνεχής βελτίωσηAbstract
Improving productivity and, at the same time, reducing operating costs are a challenge and an important point of interest for the Public Sector, which, under the pressures of the modern era, is called upon to adapt its operation to new conditions and data and to implement strategies that favor saving resources, as is the case with the Private Sector.
Lean Management aims to create value without the existence of waste. In this context, the coordination and expansion of activities that have value for the citizen takes place, as well as the elimination of unnecessary activities that do not bring added value. In this way, the operation of the organization becomes more efficient and effective in terms of its processes and, at the same time, puts the citizen at the center. Simple Methodology has a number of tools that can help public services be more flexible and able to meet the challenges of today.
Lack of relevant research makes this study special. This study mainly aims at conducting a quantitative “simple culture research” among the employees of various departments of the Attica Region in order to obtain useful information about the degree of adoption and implementation of the culture of Lean Management and continuous improvement in the Attica Region as well as the degree of commitment that Attica Region would like to show in the «journey» of Lean Management. The findings of this study are estimated to be a springboard for further empirical research in both Central and Decentralized Administration.