A decision support system for accident prevention using wave field analysis
Σύστημα λήψης αποφάσεων προς αποφυγή ατυχημάτων με χρήση κυματικής ανάλυσης

Master Thesis
Bitsikokos, Petros
Μπιτσικώκος, Πέτρος
Lagoudis, IoannisΛαγούδης, Ιωάννης
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Decision support system ; Operational oceanography ; METOC support toolΠερίληψη
This thesis presents a Decision Support System based on wave field analysis aimed at accident prevention for those mishaps attributed to parametric rolling phenomena. The DSS is created under a Java environment and aims at producing a NetCdf formatted geo referenced data of wave field ship specific risk index. The basic methodology for DSS creation is the relevant IMO guide to the master for rough seas ship handling. Colored risk index thematic maps are produced, plotting in a time space georeferenced grid, wave risk levels, across the area of interest. As a proof of concept, the case of a widely published mishap of MV APUS ONE in NE Pacific Ocean is analyzed, under the notion of wave field interactions between the sea surface and ship hull. The user-friendly approach via the production of colored risk indexed thematic maps, allows the personnel involved to passage planning, to take operational decisions in order to avoid high risk areas of the ocean, even away from the obvious high wave height areas. These sectors present a danger zone for parametric rolling phenomena to occur. The locate and avoid principle, alleviates the safety factor, and procures risk minimization for the ship and the company alike. All these parameters are discussed thoroughly in this dissertation.