Πληροφόρηση & επιβολή του νόμου: θεωρία και πράξη
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Πληροφόρηση ; Πληροφόρηση επιβολής του νόμου ; Συνεργασία πληροφόρησης ; Αστυνόμευση καθοδηγούμενη από την πληροφόρηση ; Αστυνομική έρευνα ; Αντιτρομοκρατία ; Παγκοσμιοποίηση ; Ισλαμιστική τρομοκρατία ; Διεθνικό οργανωμένο έγκλημα ; Europol ; FBI ; FSB ; Al-Qaeda ; 9/11 ; Maher Arar ; David Headley ; Tamerlan Tsarnaev ; Βομβιστικές επιθέσεις Μαδρίτης ; Βομβιστικές επιθέσεις Λονδίνου ; Charlie Hebdo ; Θέατρο Bataclan ; Διεθνής – Εθνική ασφάλεια ; Θεωρία διεθνών σχέσεων ; Νέο-ρεαλισμός ; Νέο-φιλελευθερισμός ; Ισχύς ; Άναρχο διεθνές σύστημα ; Εθνική κυριαρχία ; Αρχή της αυτό-βοήθειας ; Έλλειψη εμπιστοσύνης ; Θεσμοί ; Οργανισμοί ; Σχετικά - Απόλυτα κέρδη ; Εξαπάτηση ; Αποσκίρτηση (Defection) ; Επανάληψη (Iteration)Abstract
The modern era under conditions of intense globalization is characterized by a new wave of technological and information revolution. The Westphalian nation-state remains the basic cell of the social organization, but it now faces, apart from traditional, new asymmetric threats, which include various forms of crime and above all, the factor of terrorism. The concept of international security has inevitably been expanded, while its distinction into "internal" and "external" is considered obsolete. Islamist terrorism and its continuing attacks are the top priority of law enforcement agencies, focusing on new doctrines and strategies. The need for concerted action with secret services, as well as for the adoption of specialized intelligence tactics becomes imperative. In this context, the importance of law enforcement-police cooperation is increased, particularly when it involves intelligence exchange of national security and criminal nature. Inevitably, comes to the fore the relevance of IR theory and its role as an interpretative tool of state behavior. Collaborative efforts to tackle terrorism can, therefore, be considered at the cutting edge of the academic confrontation between neo-realism and neo-liberalism. This occurs especially with regard to their arguments on a series of critical issues, including the role of the modern nation-state, the impact of the anarchical international system and the importance of power politics. However, the peak point lies in the conflicting views on the possibilities for international cooperation. In such a discussion, a central role is played by: the dipole between "relative or absolute" gains, the influence of institutions-organizations-regimes and the iteration of collaborative efforts. The case of counterterrorism-related law enforcement intelligence cooperation provides a crucial assessment area of the real possibilities and boundaries of international cooperation between the competent national authorities. The global fight against crime is highly structured and definitely characterized by remarkable progress. The question, however, is whether the current structural-institutional developments can qualitatively affect bilateral U.S. or Intra-European collaborative counterterrorism efforts and therefore alter the nature of interstate relations, from inherently competitive to mutually beneficial.