Η εφαρμογή του GDPR στην εξ ‘αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση

Master Thesis
Σπανού, Ειρήνη
2021-11View/ Open
The present dissertation was designed and written in the framework of the postgraduate study
program "Economics of Education and Management of Educational Units" of the University of
Piraeus and aims at the bibliographic and research study on the General Regulation on Data
Protection (GDPR) and its use during distance education either correctly or incorrectly by
teachers. This is an innovative study that will offer significant results in drawing conclusions
and presenting future extensions, since in recent years distance learning has been widely
developed and adopted, covering a wide range of services, in addition to compulsory education,
such as language applications, virtual tutorials, video conferencing tools and online learning
software. Especially after the strict measures imposed worldwide due to the COVID-19
pandemic, education has changed dramatically, with the characteristic rise of e-learning. The
work consists of five chapters. In the first chapter there is an introduction to the research topic.
The second chapter refers to distance education, presents findings of research articles on
sustainability, accessibility and the opportunities it creates and investigates the connection of
the guidelines of the General Data Protection Regulation with distance education. At the same
time, a bibliographic review is presented regarding its application in the specific field of study.
The third and fourth chapters deal with the methodology and the results of the research
conducted on the use of the GDPR during distance education in Greece, the thoughts of teachers
and the recording of their views. The analysis is based on a quantitative survey based on a wellstructured questionnaire. The sample includes 114 respondents-teachers of primary, secondary
and academic education. In the fifth chapter, the study is completed by drawing conclusions,
followed by the literature and the appendices at the end of the work.