Πληροφοριακά συστήματα & διαχείρηση αποθηκών - Μελέτη περίπτωσης: Milkro Hellas Publisher Services LTD
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Information is vital to the performance of a supply chain because it provides the basis on which supply chain managers make decisions. Information technology consists of the tools used to acquire information awareness, analyze it and execute it to improve supply chain performance.
Information is essential for making the right supply chain decisions because it provides the broad picture needed to make the best decisions. IT (Information Technology) provides the tools to gather this information and analyze it to make the best supply chain decisions.
This dissertation deals with the unprecedented development of Information Technologies and the adoption of information systems by companies. More specifically, in the first chapter we analyze the information system and its rapid evolution from the 1960s until today.
In the second chapter we introduce the concept of Logistics and their basic functions. The following is the design of the warehouse, its basic functions and describes in detail the equipment, storage systems and equipment for intra-storage handling.
The third chapter presents the warehouse management information system (Warehouse) (WMS), advantages and disadvantages of its use. Automatic RFID data collection, RF systems, Barcode and other intelligent management systems are also analyzed.
The fourth chapter describes in detail the implementation of the ERP management information system with MS Access, that is, we will see step by step the process of distributing magazines and how to register in the information system. Finally, the conclusions that emerged from the case study are presented.