Επιθέσεις σε φωνητικούς βοηθούς με χρήση συντιθέμενης φωνής
Attacks on voice assistants using synthesized voice

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Voice assistants ; Attacks ; Synthesized voice ; Smart homesAbstract
Nowadays, Digital Assistants are increasingly invading our daily lives by offering facilities. A typical example is the “Smart Home”, which promises to bring many positive changes in our lives. New technologies allow the creation of “Smart Homes”, incorporating devices that make the home a better place in terms of safety, comfort, and well-being. It consists of “smart” electronic devices connected to the internet, which can operate independently or in a network with other devices. These devices receive commands from the user to perform their operations. Users can train each device to understand their own voice and then respond to the commands users give. But are these devices only loyal to their “masters” or is there a risk of deception? This was the key question for starting this master's thesis.
The aim of the present study, therefore, is to investigate the security of DAs. Several attack attempts experiments have been performed using data from different media so that users are aware of the risks that they may be exposed to.