Malware analysis, security evaluation for Android application
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Malware analysis ; Security testing ; Android εφαρμογές ; Ανάλυση κακόβουλου λογισμικού ; Αξιολόγηση επιπέδου ασφαλείαςAbstract
The aim of this thesis is to provide a step-by-step guidance related to the malware analysis of exe and apk binaries as well as the security evaluation for android applications.
The dissertation begins by providing some introductory information related to desktop and mobile operating systems highlighting the dominant players in the market. The next section provides definitions regarding the malware analysis, the four pillars consisting it, and the security evaluation for mobile applications. Thereafter, a focus is given on the analysis of exe binaries presenting the tools and the methodology of the analysis. Then, section 3 concentrates on the malicious apk binaries presenting the development of the testing lab and the steps followed for the analysis. Moving into the next section, the dissertation emphasizes on the security evaluation for android applications by presenting an intentionally vulnerable application and the ways in which a malicious user can exploit it.
Finally, the thesis concludes by highlighting the valuable tools identified and summarizes the key steps followed through the malware analysis and security evaluation processes.