Ηγεσία και εκπαιδευτικό εργασιακό περιβάλλον

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Ηγεσία ; Διευθυντής ; Σχολικό κλίμα ; Εκπαιδευτικοί ; Μαθητές ; Σχολική μονάδαAbstract
The effective operation of a school unit requires competent leadership that contributes to the formation of a positive school climate. Τhe present study investigates the effects of the school climate for the participants in the educational process and the overall operation of the unit, through the use of the qualitative research tool, namely the interview. The role of the principal in shaping the school climate and the characteristics he must have in order to be considered competent were also examined. The research involved 10 teachers of Primary and Secondary Education of schools in Athens, Attica. The main conclusions of the research are: a) the school climate is the result of the smooth cooperation between the principal-teacher and the student, b) the school climate has an impact on all members involved in the educational process, ie students and teachers and gives identity to an educational organization, c) the role of the principal is crucial for creating an appropriate school climate, d) teachers believe that in order for the school unit to function properly, the principal must have a spirit of cooperation, self-knowledge, success motivation, emotional intelligence, determination and willingness to take initiatives, e) the teachers of the sample claim that in most schools the cooperation between the members involved in the educational process is efficient and offers them professional satisfaction. Some desirable changes of teachers from their workplace are: better cooperation between teachers and principals, greater participation in decision making, reward by the principal and better organization of the school unit.
Keywords: leadership, principal, school climate, teachers, students, school unit.