Επιχειρηματικό σχέδιο πολυεθνικής φαρμακευτικής

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Μ&Α ; Mergers and acquisitions ; Φαρμακευτικός κλάδοςAbstract
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are defined as the merger of two companies. The differentiation of the two terms, refers to the fact that in the mergers, two companies form a single new company, while in the acquisitions it refers to the process where one company was acquired by the other and ceases as an economic entity. M&A is one of the most important processes in the corporate financial market. The purpose and reasons for mergers and acquisitions are usually financial, the fact that two separate companies together create a larger company in value compared to the value of each company, with the aim of maximizing profits, the reducing operating costs and minimizing the costs of research, development, antagonizing competition, entering new markets that a company does not have and increasing products in the market. For these reasons companies evaluate the various opportunities presented through the merger or acquisition process. The process is intense in all sectors and especially in the pharmaceutical industry with the special conditions that exist in this market.