Χρηματοοικονομική ανάλυση ομίλου Blue Lagoon Group
Financial analysis Blue Lagoon Group
Master Thesis
Αυγερινού, Αικατερίνη - Διονυσία
Παπαναστασόπουλος, ΓεώργιοςView/ Open
Χρηματοοικονομική ανάλυση ; Αριθμοδείκτες ; Οικονομικές καταστάσεις ; Ξενοδοχείο ; Όμιλος ; ΚωςAbstract
In the current worksheet we have the financial analysis and evaluation of Blue Lagoon
Hotel Group. Blue lagoon group is a chain of luxurious (five and four stars) hotels on
Kos island. The arrivals of foreigners in Kos island grow every year and the group is in
the phase of development and extension, offering something completely different to its
customers in order to make a good use of the island’s dynamic and of the Greek tourist
The methodology of this dissertation is the one of comparative character for the five
years period between the year of 2014 and 2018. With the use of the published
financial statements and of the resulted financial ratios from them, results in regard to
the course of the group are presented autonomous as in comparison with the hotel
It is proposed mainly the reduction of the organization expenses and of reduction of the
costs of goods sold according to the total sales in order to achieve better efficiency. It is
also proposed the most effective use of the return on equity and of the capital turnover
that is the restruction of the capital structure in order to have better indications for the
longtime survival. Finally, the liquidity of the group and of its companies is rated very
good with bigger efficiencies than the field.
The usefulness of this current worksheet beyond the imprint of the financial statements
and of the group financial ratios, comprise a serious indication for the hotel units in the
country as well as for the extrapolation of secure conclusions for the course of the
Greek tourist industry for the period between the years of 2014 to 2018.