Οι επιπτώσεις του εμπορικού πολέμου ΗΠΑ - Κίνας στις αγορές αγαθών και υγρού χύδην φορτίου

Εμπορικός πόλεμος ; Προστατευτισμός ; Δεξαμενόπλοια ; Δασμοί ; Παράγωγα ; ΝαυτιλίαAbstract
This thesis refers to the impact of the trade war, between two major economic forces, on the commodities market and the individual shipping markets of the tankers. At the same time, it examines and analyzes the concept of protectionism and its types,
the crude oil and its derivatives, if and how the above markets, the various trade routes and the tanker markets have changed, since for the most part they are the main means of transport for the above products for long distance trade. The methodology
used for the writing of this thesis was based on use of domestic and international bibliography as well as the Internet. The information is extracted from books, articles, studies, analyses, dissertations and notes from lectures of University courses and
conferences. Finally, the results of the analysis are that the trade war and other factors such as the IMO regulation on sulfur emissions actually affected both the commodity market and the shipping market, some trade routes changed due to trade fluctuations between countries but also because of changes in commodity suppliers creating a climate of uncertainty.