Η συμβολή των συστημάτων διασφάλισης ποιότητας στην λειτουργία των υγειονομικών μονάδων και την διαχείριση των ασθενών
The contribution of quality assurance systems to the operation of healthcare units and patient management

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Διοίκηση μονάδων υγείας ; Διασφάλιση ποιότητας ; Διοίκηση ολικής ποιότητας ; Ποιότητα ; Υγεία ; Υγειονομικά συστήματα ; Ικανοποίηση ασθενών ; Συγκριτική προτυποποίηση ; Healthcare unit management ; Quality assurance ; Total quality management ; Quality ; Health ; Healthcare system ; Patient satisfaction ; BenchmarkingAbstract
The subject of this thesis is based on the role of accreditation or certification of quality assurance in the health sector, focusing more on the private sector. That is to say, how much it contributes to the improvement of the functioning of healthcare units to the best possible management of patients with the aim to satisfy their needs.
In addition, it is attempted to explore the importance that healthcare units pay to quality assurance systems and the standards that govern them, as well as whether they constitute a key pillar upon which their proper functioning is based upon.
In this context, we will examine basic – fundamental concepts that have been developed, evolved, and largely have defined the present reality of healthcare and continue to shape it.
In particular, chapter 1 deals with quality, the definitions that have been given to it from time to time, its characteristics and goals, and the development that have taken place in the various theories related to it. In addition, concepts such as quality assurance and Total Quality Management (TQM) are being studied as well as authors – researchers now regarded as “classics” of quality or “gurus” of quality. At the end of chapter 1 we present the kind of measurement that quality can receive in order to extract very useful data and evaluate it, and the chapter concludes by comparing services versus products.
In chapter 2 we come across some important definitions of health and healthcare services as well as the characteristics of the latter, their goals and their classification. Furthmore, the healthcare systems with special emphasis on the Greek Health System are being studied. Chapter 2 concludes with quality, specifically designed for healthcare services, by developing the classic A. Donabetian approach as well as alternative approaches to quality in healthcare services as those have been formulated so far.
Institutional health care is developed by chapter 3, commencing with the distinction of hospitals. Then an attempt is made to identify the characteristics, objectives and more generally the way a public hospital operates in relation to the private which differs in some key areas and thus has its own characteristics. Finally, reference is made to the role marketing plays in healthcare units and its positive contribution to hospitals and society in general and to the more ethical objection some have expressed.
Chapter 4 develops the measurement and evaluation of quality in the healthcare sector, so that useful information and conclusions can be draw and derived so that quality can be continually improved. At the same time, reference is made to the criteria for selecting quality measurement indicators as well as to patient satisfaction and how this can be measured. At the end of the chapter, we are informed of the costs incurred in cases where healthcare services have not adopted or are unable to properly and appropriately implement quality in their operation, either as whole or in their individual departments.
Benchmarking or comparative evaluation is the key concept or process outlined in chapter 5. This method, its goal and types are presented, with a greater emphasis on healthcare benchmarking and the results of its application.
Chapter 6 discusses the concepts: quality systems and quality standards in the healthcare sector. They are presented as procedures – mechanisms for licensing, accreditation and certification, while developing the standards of the ISO 9000 series. Finally, chapter 7 presents and draws conclusions on the subject of this thesis.