Διερεύνηση της επίδρασης της απασχόλησης στην υγεία ατόμων ηλικίας 50+ στην Ευρώπη το 2015
Assessing the effects of occupation on the health of persons aged 50+ in Europe in 2015
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Απασχόληση ; Ανεργία ; Υγεία ; Νοσηρότητα ; Περιγραφική στατιστική ; Οικονομετρικά υποδείγματα ; Λογιστική παλινδρόμησηAbstract
Employment, and therefore unemployment, is one of the most important issues of themodern age. This MSc thesis aims to investigate the impact of employment on the health of people aged 50 + in Europe in 2015. Data from the sixth wave of the SHARE survey were used for achievingthe purpose of the study while ,as a method of analysis,logistic regressionmodels have been employed.In particular, the first chapter analyses key concepts of employment and unemployment, as well as their levels and variations in population groups. Thechapter also refersto their impact on the mental health of the individual and how they affect society. The second chapter gives information about the structure and characteristics of the SHARE survey and details the variables that have been usedin the analysis. Afirst descriptive approach to the elements of the Samplefollows, to investigate variations in levels of employment and unemployment in relation to demographic, socio-economic characteristics and related diseases. In the third chapter, the method of logistic regression is described and the most common ways of assessing the validityof a model are explained. In addition, the chapter includes the development of logistic regression models and their interpretation that enable assessment ofthe possible correlation between certain diseases (dependent variables) and other independent variables (demographic, Socio-economic, dangerous behaviors, employment characteristics). Finally, the fifth chapter lists the main conclusions of the work resulting from the statistical analysis.The analysis shows that retirees exhibit the worst health while unemployed persons have worse health compared to the employed. By contrast, regarding mental health, the unemployed and homemakers have higher chances of depression. The analysis also shows that job satisfaction and type of employment are associated with morbidity. It seems that being dissatisfied with one’s employment and being occupied in physically demanding jobs increase chancesof poor physical and mental health.