Ψηφιακή εγκληματολογία και ανάλυση σε κινητές συσκευές
Digital forensics and analysis in mobile devices
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Ψηφιακή εγκληματολογία ; Ανάκτηση δεδομένων ; Εγκληματολογία κινητών συσκευών ; Εργαλεία ψηφιακής εγκληματολογίας ; Ψηφιακή έρευναAbstract
The demand on Mobile Devices has risen globally, and their functionality may even rival desktop computers despite of their smaller sizes. For this reason, this extraordinary design of Mobile Devices makes them easy to use in our daily life performing many tasks other than just sending and receiving phone calls. Mobile Devices are now capable of sending text messages, web browsing, e-mailing, photographing and other business tasks, which increases the importance of data stored on such devices. These portable data carriers represent a significant source of evidence in both civil and criminal cases, hence the importance of Mobile Forensics.
In order to retrieve data from Mobile Devices during a Forensic Investigation, specialized tools are required. Various types of Forensic toolkits are available with both advantages and limitations.
Due to the wide range of Mobile Device types which are using manufacturer proprietary standards, mobile forensic examination has become bleak compared to Computer Forensics. The forthcoming dissertation includes an overview of Digital Criminal Investigation and Analysis in Mobile Devices, various types of Digital Criminology tools as well as different Forensic techniques. This includes a practical study on the use of a variety of different digital tools for Digital Research and Analysis of Mobile Devices based on the principles of Digital Forensics.