Ανάπτυξη μοντέλου και συστήματος μεθοδολογικού πλαισίου εφαρμογής και αποτίμησης της στρατηγικής αλλαγής δημοσίων μονάδων
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Οργανωσιακή αλλαγή ; Στρατηγική αλλαγή ; Αναδιάρθρωση ; Συγχωνεύσεις ; Μεταρρυθμίσεις ; Μη γραμμική παλινδρόμηση ; Αλγόριθμοι μηχανικής μάθησης ; Μοντελοποίηση ; Ψυχοκοινωνικό ρίσκο ; Οργανωσιακή διάγνωσηAbstract
The current PhD-study investigates the impact of strategic organizational change on civil service employees’ psychosocial well-being. Furthermore, investigates the psychosocial mechanisms explaining these effects, via a “voice of the employee” psychosocial risk management system for organizational diagnosis before, during and after the restructuring process. The study includes the investigation of the direct and indirect impacts of emergent organizational on human capital documented by an in-depth analysis of the psychosocial cause & effect mechanisms explaining these effects. The aim is the analysis and introduction of an agile Organizational Change Assessment Framework (OCAF), based on the current research findings and conclusions. The study based on the Greek COPSOQ v.3 dimensions as Organizational Change Context and Organizational Change Impact variables.
In order to adopt a “personalised“ version of this framework for every specific research sample, identification of all possible relationships and intercorrelations between the variables is necessary. To do so we examine which of these variables are the most significant in affecting the change-impact variables. This provides the means to examine any possible mediator-moderator effects between the above variables. Therefore, the main research objectives are to develop and contribute to the strategic organizational change literature, through a/an:
1. New conceptual framework and a new non-linear modelling methodology for organizational change risk assessment and longitudinal invariance measurement, based on Theory of Planned Behaviour, JDR framework & COPSOQ diagnostic instrument.
2. “Personalised” derivative framework and MODEL for practical implications in evidence-based interventions management before, during and after organizational change.
3. Implementation case study in Greece, which takes full advantage of the above theoretical and practical contributions -as a real-world implementation example- for practical implications in similar organizational change studies (organizational restructuring).
In the existing management of planned or emergent organizational change literature, many studies use a high number of variables and factors with either complex or computationally demanding models for assessing organizational change, making standard analyses (like longitudinal invariance) difficult, time consuming or not applicable at all. This study faces that deficiency, by utilizing linear, non-linear and machine learning algorithms and structural equation modelling.