Ο ρόλος και η λειτουργία της θαλάσσιας ασφάλισης στα μεγάλα ναυτικά ατυχήματα στο θαλάσσιο χώρο
The role and operation of marine insurance in major maritime accidents at sea
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Ναυτασφάλιση ; P&I Clubs ; Αποζημίωση ; Θαλάσσια ρύπανση ; Ανθρώπινος παράγοντας ; Μέτρα αντιμετώπισης ατυχήματος ; Αγία Ζώνη ; Costa ConcordiaAbstract
This thesis constitutes a literature review of marine insurance and its underwriters. Through circumstantial reports, the role of P & I Clubs is demonstrated and also is given in detail the whole of the risks covered by them, as well as the way of meeting the requirements in general in maritime market. Apart from this, the document presents the relationship between the insurance companies and the P & I Groups as well as the relationship between P & I Clubs. The institution of marine insurance exists for many years and the necessity of its presence has been created by the parallel need of people to protect themselves from the uncertain marine environment that preserves many dangers. This is why we have nowadays a mandatory statutory maritime insurance framework for the entire maritime community. From this point of view, a study of the changes caused by the English Insurance Act 2015 to the Marine Insurance Act 1906 is presented, taken into consideration the importance of English law to marine insurance.
Furthermore, there is an extensive reference to the factors, causes and effects of major marine casualties on the entire maritime industry, on people, on states, on the environment and on any other involved party. In this part of the paper, there is an obvious link to the insurance law because any accident raises claims. International Organizations seek by all means the recording and quantification of accident data through scientific studies to find solutions to the problems. Most of the claims of maritime accidents are covered by P & I Clubs and are governed by the International Conventions of the IMO aiming at the suppression, containment and prevention of maritime accidents.