Σχεδιασμός και υλοποίηση εκπαιδευτικού περιεχομένου μέσω της πλατφόρμας Moodle στο μάθημα της Ιστορίας της Β’ γυμνασίου
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Ηλεκτρονική μάθηση ; Πλατφόρμα MoodleCloud ; Διαθεματικότητα ; Βυζαντινή Ιστορία και Τέχνη / Αρχαιολογία ; Ψηφιακή αφήγηση ; Θεωρία κινήτρων ARCS του Keller (1979) ; Μοντέλο Addie ; e-Learning ; MoodleCloud platform ; Interdisciplinarity ; Digital storytelling ; Keller's ARCS motivation theory (1979) ; Addie model ; Byzantine History and Art / ArchaeologyAbstract
The postgraduate research: "Design and development educational content in E-Learning
through Moodle in the Course of History of Second High School" is a research that took place
within the framework of the Postgraduate Program: "E-learning" of the Department of Digital
Systems of the University of Piraeus. This is a quantitative survey with few qualitative data.
The research tools used were questionnaires. They were responded by a sample of 22 people
who were students or graduates of various sectors. The duration of the research phase of the
work was two months. The results of the research questions raised were positive.
In particular, the research questions were as follow: R.Q.1 "How do teachers evaluate the
educational potential and the facilities of the Moodle platform, which contribute to pupils'
performance through techniques such as motivation, digital storytelling?" And R.Q.2: "How
do teachers evaluate the learning potential and the scenario flow scenarios in the case study:
Byzantine History and Archeology / Art of Second Grade High School where is applied the ARCS
model? 2.1 As to conservation of interest and curiosity (Attention)? 2.2 In terms of linking
teaching to issues that the participants consider important, such as interests, past experiences
and learner’s needs (Relevance-Relevance)? 2.3 In terms of enhancing participants' self-confidence for success (Trust-Confidence)? 2.4 Concerning the satisfaction of the participants in
the learning process (Satisfaction)? ". The research goal in the field of educational design is to
develop an e-course using the MoodleCloud tool to learn Byzantine History, Art, Archaeology
in the Second Grade of High School, based on the ARCS Motivation Theory Keller (1979) and
digital storytelling. Taking into consideration the answers and statistical results of the questionnaire, the respondents considered that Moodle has the educational dynamics and facilities that contribute to pupils' performance through techniques such as motivation, digital storytelling. Also, with regard to the second research question, teachers believe that the ARCS
model is successfully implemented through its components, Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction. In conclusion, future research into a larger sample and application to students will enhance the credibility of this research effort.