Κατασκευή πινάκων επιβίωσης για τις κύριες αιτίες θανάτου ανδρών και γυναικών στην Ελλάδα, 2014
Construction of life tables by cause of death for males and females in Greece, 2014
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Θνησιμότητα ; Πληθυσμός ; Πίνακες επιβίωσης ; Αιτίες θανάτου ; ΕλλάδαAbstract
This dissertation deals with the construction of Life Tables by cause of death and gender of the Greek population during the year of 2014 which serve to elaborate the study of mortality.
The analysis is based on vital registration data of the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 that were obtained from the Hellenic Statistical Authority and more specifically deaths by gender, five-year age group and causes of death. The causes of death are grouped into 6 categories Microbial - Parasitic Diseases, Neoplasms, Respiratory Diseases, Circulatory System Diseases, Violent Actions - Accidents and finally Other Diseases. In addition, this analysis uses estimations for the population of Greece in the middle of 2014 by gender and five-year age group.
Abridged survival tables have been constructed for 5-years age groups by gender for all causes of death, or 2014. Survival functions are calculated based on demographic methods used for the construction of Life Tables. Subsequently, Life Tables by cause of death are constructed for the 6 above-mentioned categories.
Finally, charts and tables of life expectancies, probabilities of dying and of surviving are presented, along with conclusions regarding how causes of death differ among them for men and women in Greece in 2014.